Sunday, 5 April 2015

Review: Etude House - Happy teatime cleansing cream

Hi Girls! This review has been on my draft list since January. I guess getting lazy in taking pictures in every detail is my problem (pardon me for that) :). Well, anyways... going back to the subject. We ladies love putting makeup, right? Others do put makeup like it is a part of their everyday routine especially when working. In my case, I am working in a company which promote beauty and wellness that is why we are encouraged to wear makeup like every day! Having said that, before, I just removed my make up using a facial wash, but I think that is not enough. So I decided to get a ponds cold cream. Unfortunately, my face gotten so itchy and red which makes me think that  this cleanser is not for me.Last December,  one my colleagues give me this Happy teatime cleansing cream from Etude House. At first, I was a bit hesitant to use it because of my past experience in Ponds cold cream, but because of being skincare junkie and my curiosity always strike I tested it. 

Please continue reading...

Price P198.00

From Etude House website ----> Washable makeup removal cream has light texture with low oil content for women 20's-30's. Smooth spreadable texture ideal for facial massage for women 40+ .

  • Moisturizing
  • Remove my makeup well 
  • Smells so nice
  • Cute packaging

My experience:

Unlike the other cream that I used this Happy Teatime AloeTea Cleansing Cream does not leave my skin itchy or red but it does cause me to break out. Uhg! Which leads me to believe that I have an allergy or I am not into any cleansing cream.

Thank you for reading! :) 
See you all on my next review!
Take care and Allah bless!



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